
Breaking changes

  • replace question_suffix and solution_suffix by suffix in unilur::tutorial_* or unilur::tutorial_*_solution to change the suffix appended to the rendered file.
  • remove box.colour chunk option (replaced by box.body and box.header which accepts a list to define fill and colour)
  • The automatic adjustement of header colour changes: box.colour was used to define the header colour and the colour of the body was derived from this value. From now, if box.header is omitted, the fill colour is derived from the box.body fill colour.
  • rename chunk option response.space to answer.lines in unilur::examen_pdf.


  • use latex template shipped with rmarkdown and use includes to integrate unilur customisations.
  • rewrite the format functions to deduplicate the source code.
  • remove output and source hooks in pdf output: might again produce troubles with unexpected page breaks using boxes.
  • redefine box chunk options: box.title, box.body, box.header and box.collapse. Colours for background and text can be set for the body and the header using a list (to provide the colours for fill and colour)
  • add support for icons in HTML output using the box.icon chunk option. Use font awesome names (“fa-") or ionicon names ("ion-”) to specify the desired icon. Alternatively you can use the output of packages like icon.

Unilur 0.4.0

Breaking changes

  • removed the collapse setting from the yaml header: The option should be adjusted for each chunk (use knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE) to define the default setting).
  • changed chunk options to adjust a custom box colour and title: use box.colour and box.title (instead of box and boxtitle)


  • all boxes in tutorial_html are now collapsible. Adjust the chunk option box.collapse to TRUE (collapsed), FALSE (collapsible but uncollapsed) or NULL (non collapsible box).

Bug fixes

  • HTML widgets were not rendered

Unilur 0.3.0

  • unilur::tutorial_html and unilur::tutorial_html_solution now renders solution and coloured boxes as bootstrap panels. In addition, solution boxes can be collapsed and expanded. The initial state can be adjusted using the collapse yaml option.
  • Added unilur::answer_rmd to create a Rmd file with solutions being removed. This file can be used by students to fill in their answers.
  • Improved knitting of files with solution = FALSE by disabling the evaluation of these chunks.

Unilur 0.2.0